May I extend to you, a very warm welcome to “Just Stories and Poems”. In 1992 when I first started receiving these Poems, they were telling me things which at that time, I did not really know and I immediately realised they were meant to be shared with others. Since then, throughout the years I have – and still am, continuing to receive Poems, Stories and Philosophy.
They have helped me so much in my understanding of myself and how to cope with life, not only as a person, but also as a spirit being. I sincerely hope that the words I have been fortunate to receive, are of help to you.
Perhaps the Nature ones can uplift you and maybe the deeper ones encourage you to look further into the meaning and purpose of this life here on Earth, as well as the continued life we will all one day lead.
They might open up your views not just on our fellowmen but also on our animal friends and indeed all creatures, as well as Nature itself.
They could prompt you to look differently and perhaps more tolerantly at others, even those who cause you problems, for I now recognise how all that happens to us is for a definite reason and how we cope governs the future progress of our Spirit within, our true selves.
For those who are grieving, they may be able to re-assure you of how our loved ones including animals who have passed over, are still close to us and very much alive.
I do hope you enjoy the “Just Poems” and “Just Stories” Books. However, if they are not for you, then I sincerely wish you success in your search for truth and for a greater awareness of life.
Love to you and yours,