A5 Size Books containing various Poems
concerning Nature and the Philosophy
of this life and the next. Each page is hand
illustrated by the Author.
Know all your thoughts and actions in your destiny are sealed and no
matter how you hide them here - one day they’ll be revealed.
Though we miss their earthly form they are not far away, remember them with happiness and in their hearts we’ll stay.
Be more contented and treasure each day, for once it has passed - only memories stay.
How wonderful to pause and share - Nature’s magic, everywhere.
Here in this life we can progress - by caring more and worrying less.
There is much more to life than work, work, work, with all its strife.
The Spirit of Morning, sweet as the dew, invites each one to begin anew.
Once we know we are of spirit, once we find the truth within, we can
start to see life’s meaning and true learning will begin.
Know that courage grows upon - the courage shown by everyone.
If you live with bitterness then the hurt will never go, you must free yourself from anger - for happiness to flow.
Knowledge can be sought and learned - but wisdom, friend, has to be earned.
Life’s ups and downs, like a see-saw you’ll find - need to be balanced, to gain peace of mind.
If something doesn’t seem right on that particular day, simply put it onto hold, but don’t throw it away.
Just know it is written within Spirit Laws that what you give out - one day becomes yours.
Here upon the earth-plane punishments may come and go, but there within the Spirit Realms, justice will always flow.
Though life itself keeps changing - always moving on, sweet memories are eternal, never to be gone.
Hold that crystal, feel its might - and let it set your soul alight.
Though failure is never easy to take - know knowledge is hidden in every mistake.
Hurt a flower, plant or tree and part of God lies crushed in thee.
A5 Size Books containing various Poems
concerning Nature and the Philosophy
of this life and the next. Each page is hand
illustrated by the Author.